
Hi there, nice to meet you! I’m a passionate and data driven individual with a deep interest in statistics and data science from the Czech Republic. I love learning new things and using data to solve complex problems.

In addition to my academic and professional pursuits, I love to share my knowledge and experiences with others. That’s why I created a blog focused on statistics and data science. I love to write about stuff that I’ve discovered or that I learned in school.

In my free time, I like to be productive and always learn new stuff. I try to contribute to open source projects, write new stuff on my blog, play around with Shiny apps, or read some books.


Currently, I’m pursuing a Master’s degree in Statistics and completing my Bachelor’s in Data Analytics. I’ve gained extensive knowledge in statistical theory, data analysis techniques, and programming languages like R, Shiny, and Quarto. My favorite topics are about probability theories, sampling, and machine learning.


In my professional life, I’ve worked as a Data Manager in the medical sector, Data Scientist at IBM, or a self-employed lecturer and consultant. During my time as a data manager, I completed several projects focused on patients with Multiple Sclerosis, utilizing my skills to ensure data quality and reproducibility. As a Data scientist, I used PySpark, SQL, IBM Watson Machine Learning, and Jupyter notebooks to help customers with data preparation and machine learning. Finally, as a lecturer and consultant, I teach statistics, R, R Markdown or Data visualization.